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Our Ministries
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To Jesus, ministry was service: healing the sick, feeding the hungry, setting people free from whatever bound them. At St. Barnabas, we follow Jesus’ lead and minister both in the congregation and in the community. We invite you to connect with a group, develop relationships, and grow in faith. Find a group that helps you serve and interact with your community.
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Christian Education Team
Christian education is faith formation for all ages through Bible study, community service, and fellowship opportunities.
Stewardship Team
Educates and encourages generosity.

Fellowship Team
Plan and provide social opportunities for the congregation to promote community and care.

High SChool Youth Group
Faith formation for high school students through Bible study, community service, and fellowship opportunities.

Middle School Youth Group
Faith formation for grades 5 through 8 through Bible study, community service, and fellowship opportunities.

Witness Team
Reach out to the community with God’s love through activities such as the Easter Event, the MidSummer Fest, and the Trunk or Treat.

Worship & Music Team
Plan and prepare for worship each week and help with weekly worship.

Technology Team
Take care of the technology needs of the congregation.

Leadership team of the church that meets monthly.

Finance Team
Oversees the finances of the congregation.

Property Team
Maintains the building and grounds.

Caring Team
Offering care to those in need by bringing communion to homebound members, organizing projects such as making school kits for Lutheran World Relief, care packages for residents of low-income housing, & working at the Northern Illinois Food Bank.